"No matter the situation, never let your emotions dominate your intelligence."

Escrito el 26/07/2023
Dra. Bonney Bonjen-Ortiz

Emotions are powerful. Our emotions can convince us of virtually anything. That said, it is so important to our well-being that we do not operate solely on our emotions. We have the power to look beyond a bad day or to think beyond how we feel. God guides us if we allow Him to be first in our lives. In the midst of the ups and downs of our life if we allow our emotions to dominate us then we lose focus of why we started certain goals. Remember that the goals that glorify God are God Himself who put them in our hearts. By wanting to succeed, He Himself gives us the strength, the wisdom, and the opportunities to achieve it. Let's not allow our emotions, doubts, and fears to take us away from the goals we have projected to achieve.